What We Do

What We Do

KTG School Workshops

We feel truly honoured that we can come into schools and hang out. It’s like the ultimate gig. We are mindful of all participants abilities and tailor the programs that we offer to maximise participation levels and smiles.

An example of a Kids That Grow workshop incorporates any or all of our core components; Beginning with the Magic of the Breath, moving into Rise and Shine, energising into Let’s Get Active and finally easing into Slow and Stretchy. We include movement and activity that involves hand/eye coordination, various exercise techniques and creative ways to be active. For every workshop, our message is clear “tune into the feedback mechanism of your body and notice the way movement makes you feel”.

Each workshop is unique. And, it is important to us to demonstrate in everything that we do, that you don’t need the newest equipment or the most expensive gear – you just need to show up because:

You can be KIND,
You can be STRONG,
You can be BRAVE,
You can be HAPPY!

The Magic of the Breath

To commence we introduce a mind/body practice. Focussing on the breath to ground and centre, initiating moments of calm and self awareness, which gently guides children to stay connected to their own unique experience.

Our goal is to guide individuals into a peaceful and energised state of mind. We follow four key pillars: Creating a quiet environment, a comfortable position for the body, guiding each participant to focus their awareness on something specific for example; sensation in the body or perhaps the breath. And, finally participating with an open mind and attitude. Depending on the age of participants, their ability to meditate changes therefore we adapt as required. But a peaceful, chilled out state awaits those who dare participate. 

Calm and Centred

This element focuses on our physical body after our initial grounding practice. It may involve short exercises that expand movement and target specific muscles to “wake them up”. As a result, your body starts to generate blood flow to the extremities to prepare your muscles for any of the activity you choose to do. Energy starts to increase here!

Slow and Stretchy

We love the magic of yoga. It enables us to bring health and well-being to you. Enhancing flexibility and physical health, allowing individuals to become more aware of their bodies and their own potential. We love that we continuously are able to offer the practice of mindfulness with what we do, because we think all children deserve to feel happier and more relaxed.

Let’s Get Active

Our main aim is to introduce fun and interesting ways to be ACTIVE! We love that regular physical activity and movement can help children with their confidence, concentration and offers them the tools to be able to cope with stress, which supports the regulation of emotions. Our online sessions offer many options and ideas to be creative, active and have fun. The best bit is, you don’t have to be sporty to try, you just need to be willing to have a go and the reward is a smile a mile long and a body that feels strong and courageous!


Every KTG workshop participant receives a KTG Wellness Journal. We have created this useful tool for children to be able to write, draw, brain dump and reflect. We hope this journal is helpful to children dealing with big emotions and worries but it also provides a space to be creative, practice mindfulness and of course gratitude. It’s a great starting place for the beautiful and passive practice of journaling. Just another tool for improving mental well-being. We love that this can create opportunity of a growth mindset for all children. Our journal also promotes our bodies in a positive way by offering fun facts, a space to demonstrate how your child is feeling and overall to be expressive through writing and drawing.

Find out more about our KTG Programs